रेटविहीन डिजाइनले सामग्री बचत गर्दैन, तर स्थापना गर्न धेरै सजिलो छ। यसको लागि स्थापना पूरा गर्न केवल चार भागहरू चाहिन्छ। यसको स्थिरता प्रमाणित कम्पनी द्वारा परीक्षण गरिएको छ यो सुरक्षित छ सुनिश्चित गर्न। At the same time, it is also convenient to earthing.Through the connection of VG Solar-VG TS02, not only the solar panel can be more stable, but also the oxide film on the frame surface of the solar panel can be pierced to achieve ग्राउटको उद्देश्य, र डबल सम्पादन प्रभाव प्राप्त गर्न सकिन्छ।
टाइल छत माउन्ट भिट्यास्ट VG-tr01
VG सॉलर छत प्रणाली (हुक) को लागी रट स्टील टाइल छत, चुम्बकीय टाइल छत, चुपचाप टाइल छत र यस्तै। It can be fixed to the roof beam or iron sheet, select the appropriate span to resist the corresponding load conditions, and offer great flexibility. It is applied to the common framed solar panels or frameless solar panels parallel installed on the inclined roof, and is suitable for the design and planning of commercial or civil roof solar system
VG Solar roof mounting system (hook) is suitable for color steel tile roof, magnetic tile roof, asphalt tile roof and so on.It can be fixed with the roof beam or iron sheet, choose the appropriate span to resist the corresponding load conditions, र ठूलो लचकता छ। It is applied to the common framed solar panels or frameless solar panels parallel installed on the inclined roof, and is suitable for the design and planning of commercial or civil roof solar system
VG Solar roof mounting system (hook) is suitable for color steel tile roof, magnetic tile roof, asphalt tile roof and so on.It can be fixed with the roof beam or iron sheet, choose the appropriate span to resist the corresponding load conditions, र ठूलो लचकता छ। It is applied to the common framed solar panels or frameless solar panels parallel installed on the inclined roof, and is suitable for the design and planning of commercial or civil roof solar system
सौर्य प्यानल सफा रोबोट
The robot VG Solar is designed to clean PV panels on roof tops and solar farms, which are difficult to access. It's compact and versatile and can easily be moved from one place to the other. त्यसकारण यो कम्पनीहरू सफाईको लागि उपयुक्त छ, pv बोट बोटको मालिकलाई प्रस्ताव गर्दै।
फ्ल्याट छत माउन्ट (स्टील)
2: Portrait and Landscape orientation. अनुकूलित डिजाइन, सजिलो स्थापना।
Vtracker Cring प्रणाली
The VTracker system adopts a single-row multi-point drive design. In this system, two modules are vertical arrangement. यो सबै मोड्युल विशिष्टताहरूको लागि प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ। A Single-row can install up to 150 pieces, and the number of columns is smaller than other systems, resulting in significant savings in civil construction costs.